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Members' Corner

Martin Rebentisch
Mittweida - Germany
Amigas owned and currently used:
A1200 with 68030/42 8MB FastRAM 1,7GB-HD Multisync-Monitor
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
I mainly use it for the (demo-)scene and playing some games. Sometimes using PPaint and hear nice Amiga-mods.
Five favorite Amiga apps:
Adorage2.5, PPaint 7, Wildfire, FinalWriter, SnoopDOS 3
Five favorite Amiga games:
Deluxe Galaga, Genetic Species, Foundation D.C., Worms D.C., SimCity 2000
First Amiga experience:
Why did you join the club:
Because I will be informed about the newest events and wanna have a 50$ succession for the AmigaOS4.
How do you see the future of Amiga:
Hopefully a growing community but at first of all new (acutal!) software for the new hardware. So some firms will come back.

Lakewood, Ohio USA (Cleveland, Ohio)
Amigas owned and currently used:
2 Amiga 4000's with Mark III's and a Pentium II Amithlon system. The first two are really retired the Amithlon, with my Amiga hard drive from one of the Amiga 4000's, is where I do all of my academic work, from letters to academic articles.
How do you use Amigas in your everyday life:
I teach Public Administration at Cleveland State University. I research the area, teach undergraduate and graduate courses and participate in public service, such as helping cities write their own Charters. I use my Amiga in all these activities. Final Writer97 is the main workhorse for me and is where I do all my writing. PageStream4 is the main application for class handouts, providing control over layout and excellent drawing tools for my endless charts and figures. All my academic E-Mail is done in StarGate, a nice but not quite finished Amiga E-Mail client. Organiser is used for my calendar and Final Data for keeping track of my endless Internet logins and passwords. SBase Pro is used to keep track of literature and articles as well as contacts for my Columbus Seminar. The Seminar is taught in the capital of Ohio where the students live for a week. They interact with top officials, from Justices of the Supreme Court to Budget Analysts. I use SBase Pro to keep track of all my contacts, time and place of all meetings, etc. Finally, Miami and MiamiDeluxe were some of the programs for any computer. MiamiDeluxe ties my Amiga to a local network and the Internet in a much more powerful and convenient manner than any other OS I have used.
Five favorite Amiga apps:
MiamiDeluxe Final Writer97 PageStream4 StarGate Organiser and SBase Pro.
Five favorite Amiga games:
Don't do games have no animosity against them, just don't get into it. I prefer to write and create.
First Amiga experience:
When I decided to buy a personal computer in 1986, I had specific criteria for the purchase. I had built and used a Heathkit terminal since 1977 in my academic work, over, which is now hard to believe, a 300 baud modem. I decided that any computer had to provide an interface that my wife could use and she would never issue a text command. Thus, my initial search was narrowed to Apple II, Atari 800 and Amiga 1000. My first experience with an Amiga was in a dealer's with my wife and I using it for over two hours. We did the same with both Apple and Atari. It was, and has remained, no contest. Price and performance both dictated the Amiga 1000 as our first computer. My most memorable experience was having difficulties with a new SCSI controller. An Amigan in the Arab Emirates sent me a program to test if I had one of the few (2 or 3%) Amigas that could not use the controller. Sadly, the tests indicated I did have one of the atypical Amigas and so I changed controllers. That early experience demonstrated the power of both the people and the technology.
Why did you join the club:
I have owned nearly a dozen Amigas, buying them for all family members. However excellent the technology, the greatest asset was the international community. The Club was a vehicle to not only keeping that community going but hopefully enhancing it.
How do you see the future of Amiga:
The concept of AmigaDE is compelling. My take on it is that it will make the computer a part of a digital environment for enhancing life and confirming an international community. Yet it will not become an appliance over which the user has no control to the contrary, Amiga will provide a vehicle of empowerment for those who want to extend its abilities, providing endless configurations and possibilities. It will be the elastic glue for personal digital living, binding all together seamlessly with an aesthetic appeal and easy configuration.

As a side note, I have a 4 computer network in my house, tying my Amithlon system to both Linux and WindowsXP computers and to an ADSL Internet connection. Our recent purchase of a sewing computer, a Bernina Artista 200e, has broadened our network. I hope that the Amiga can become sufficiently robust programmatically and can be directly connected to such specialized computers.

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